Film Opening Sequence

Evaluation: Question five

Below is the link to our Questionnaire for our film Parallel, feel free to give some constructive feedback.

We got a lot of interesting, constructive feedback from our focus group and from people who answered our questionnaire. This helps us determine the good and bad parts about our film, making our evaluation better.

We got a lot of helpful feedback.

A lot of people said that they would pay to watch our film in a cinema which is ultimately the most important feature of a film as at the end of the day it is a business. This also makes us confident that we have created a film that can realistically be made into a real movie.

Most people felt the film kept their interest going. Although some people said no which we think could be down to the walking scene as it did go on for a while.

A lot of people liked the cloning effect in the editing as it was different and more complex than most other media projects. This seems to be a popular advantage to our film