Film Opening Sequence



The study of signs and also anything that stands for something else.

We read images and pictures in an atempt to decode them and make sense of what they mean to us.

Denotation- what we see when we look at an image (what it is.)

Connotation- what we understand from an image (what other meanings it has.)

The blue sky in the background of the image creates a relaxed atmosphere. The light blue of the sky at the top of the image contrasts with the darker, bolder colour towards the bottom of the image. The darker colours represents a dull and boring atmosphere as there is nothing going on, however the sun brightens up the dullness and portrays happiness. On the left hand side of the image it is clear that the sun is setting. This could be a happy thing as it is the end of the day and a new day will be beginning. The sun is placed in between the two main characters, this is so it draws attention to the people in the image as they are the main focus. It is obvious that the girl is smiling directly at the boy, this shows that she is very happy to be with him and how they also really like each other by the way he has his hand placed on her neck. This shows love between the two. Their noses are also touching, this shows they are comfortable in each others company and they are also very happy to be together at that particular time.  At the bottom of the image we can notice the sea on the sand, the sound of the waves lapping on the shore would make you feel tranquil as it is natural and peaceful.