Film Opening Sequence

Mise En Scene

Mise En Scene

- Settings & Props- Costume, Hair & Make Up
- Facial Expressions & Body Language
- Lighting & Colour
- Positioning of Characters

As our film sequence is all outdoors, this makes finding a location a lot easier. We plan to film in Admirals Park. We were thinking about other parks but we decided that this one was ideal as it is quite big and picturesque but also close to a bus stop which is another part of our setting.
Our costume is also quite simple as well as there is only one character on one day so we only require one costume. We decided that the man (Zac) should be wearing a smart suit, nearly immaculate as he is supposed to be boring and plain. Whereas Zabel, the other personality, will be wearing the same suit but messy to represent his evil character. The costume of the other woman will be smart/casual, perhaps she is on a lunch break.

Facial expressions will be important in our sequence as Zac is supposed to be angry/frustrated/embarrassed quite a lot. Facial expressions will also be important when Zac finally caves in and shouts at Zabel, after which the woman sitting next to him quite obviously thinks he is talking to himself.

Although lighting is quite hard when we have a limited amount of time to film, we are going to try our hardest to get it all in the day time when the camera quality will be the best. This is also because we are trying to represent everyday life.

The main focus of the sequence is Zac so he will be on camera the most. It should be clear that he is the protagonist as he is the first person to come on screen and the main focus on the first couple of minutes is him.