Film Opening Sequence

Juno Task


You are editing your own footage, how did the filming go?

I think the filming for our Juno task went well. We only had the hour of the lesson to do the filming so I think what we did in that time was quite successful. However I thought the filming side of it was actually quite difficult as it was hard to know when to stop filming or when to change the angle etc. One scene when Juno walks forwards, toward the camera- the camera then pans up and focus' on telephone wires. The way we filmed this was quite unsuccessful I thought as it didn't really look like the actual Juno scene, however if we had practiced filming more it would have been a lot more successful.

Was your storyboard accurate?

Our storyboard was accurate when it came to what shots to do after the previous one, however what wasn't very clear was the settings ad how long to film each shot for. Luckily we had written down timings for each recording or it would have been a complete guess. Our story board wasn't very detailed as I didn't think we would need it as much as we actually did. We focused more on the writing of the story board rather than the drawings, however we came to realise that the pictures were actually quite important too. The settings were quite important for the filming too but we hadn't really written down much detail into where we would film each part of the film so that was also quite difficult.

What were your strengths and weaknesses in the group?

The strengths in our group was the agreeing of where we would film and how we would make it similar to the original Juno task. The weaknesses started when our storyboards weren't very detailed and we had to improvise with our filming. However I don't think this really affected the overall outcome of our filming.

Did you get all the footage you wanted?

I think we managed our time well in the hour and got all the footage we needed, done. If we had more time I would have liked to re-do a few scenes and make them more similar to the original Juno task. However I do think what we got, matched quite well. We could have used more props and made it more like the actual film but we didn't really have time to plan in that much detail. But I think that we made use of the schools props (guitar, chair) well. I also think we could have made it better if we were allowed out of the school area, however I am relatively happy with what we did film.

What technical skills - camera and premiere - did you learn?

  To do this task we used premiere, as I had only used it once before I didn't really know how to edit some of the footage and had to play around with most of the features before I got them how I wanted them. I learnt how to drag the effect wanted onto the audio/ video and it would apply it to that part of the recording.

  How does it compare to the original?

I think our clip compares quite well to the original opening. There were some parts that we couldn't make the same whether we tried to or not. For example the group of people that run past 'Juno'. We didn't really have much of a choice where to film so we had to make do with what we had. This obviously affected how the two filming's compared. However I think what we did was quite good and seeing the two openings together would have quite a lot of similarities.

What went well - What I learnt - What I will take with me to the next production

I think the filming went well as the video camera was fairly easy to use. I think Jimmy was good at mimicking the original video which made it successful. I learnt how to use premiere a bit more which made the video effects more alike with the original Juno opening. For the next production I will take with me the skills I learnt to use Premiere and I will also remember how important it is to do a detailed storyboard as it will make the production a lot easier to plan out.